Our story
Putting a halt to lack of style in cycling.
We all got confronted with a hell of a lot of lack of style in cycling. Those that care, at times, even overwhelmed by vicarious shame. It also happened to us, founders of Fausto Cycling and me. Addiction to cycling and obsession for style, not least inspired by 'il campionissimo' himself, drove us doing everything we possibly can addressing lack of style in cycling.
It started years ago the moment my own lovely dad returned from a cycling trip. We crossed at the driveway of our house. I had difficulties imagining what the designer of his jersey did think when creating it. The colors used. The combination of the colors. Let alone the sponsor logos. My eyes hurt. Not his fault by the way. He and his team got been let down by the 'creativity' of the people designing the team's jersey. We laughed. Since that moment, my dad and I, and in the meantime many people with us, called it the ‘feryn’ problem. Insiders know exactly what I am talking about.
Getting obsessive.
Ever since that moment cycling outfits became a passion. Even an obsession. When on the road, not even just while cycling, I pay attention to all cyclists’ outfits. Still today, years later and even while there is improvement thanks to the hard work of a couple truly great brands, the majority still lacks any sense of style.
Time to fix that problem.
A problem that I couldn’t fix on my own I realized. I shared my obsession with a lot of people. I found out many of them violently agree cycling is likely, still today, the single biggest sports suffering the above problem. Few people, two in specific, shared the desire, driven by the same passion, to help putting a halt to lack of style in cycling. Fausto Cycling was born.
None of the above at the expense of quality of course. While designed in Belgium, all jerseys are made in Italy and fabrics got been carefully selected in collaboration with M.I.T.I., the reference in the performance fabrics space. M.I.T.I. represents outstanding quality, great innovation and all products are made in Italy. All with full respect of the environment helping to reduce the impact of its production.